What's up? I am here to inform you all that with the modpack update there are rule updates for the server as well. First and foremost, there is griefing allowed now. Also, chunk loaders of any kind are off-limits with the exception of quarries. Cya!
What's up websitegoers? I just wanted to inform you that we will be switching to FTB Unleashed either today or tomorrow. I just wanted to make sure that you knew. If you are reading 
Damn, I didn't know the server would get so popular so quickly. Okay, it's not THAT popular, BUT we are out of room (technically speaking), and I'm afraid if I add any more people that the server will overload and lag excessively. We could reduce lag by getting rid of chunk loaders, but those things rock. I don't know. Maybe if donations pick up we could upgrade the server? I'm sorry to anybody that wanted to join but can't or couldn't due to this, and I hope that I will find
What's up everyone? Recently, I upgraded the server to allow for more players and stuff! However, in order to get on, you must change the IP to the new one (which can be found on the server website) and undo the Mystcraft fix if you had already done it. Also, my videos have been viewed 199 times, and we are approaching 200! Woot! It's not the biggest number when compared to famous youtubers, but it's a good checkpoint for me! Well, I guess i'll see you guys later!